Galaxy APIs =========== ----------- .. http:get:: /products/(int:product_id) Returns information about a product. :query str expand: Comma separated list of additional sections to request. Possible values: downloads, expanded_dlcs, description, screenshots, videos, related_products, changelog :query str locale: Locale code **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /products/1207658691?expand=downloads,expanded_dlcs,description,screenshots,videos,related_products,changelog HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "id": 1207658691, "title": "Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition", "purchase_link": "", "slug": "unreal_tournament_2004_ece", "content_system_compatibility": { "windows": true, "osx": false, "linux": false }, "languages": { "en": "English" }, "links": { "purchase_link": "", "product_card": "", "support": "", "forum": "" }, "in_development": { "active": false, "until": null }, "is_secret": false, "game_type": "game", "is_pre_order": false, "release_date": "2008-11-25T06:00:00+0200", "images": { "background": "//", "logo": "//", "logo2x": "//", "icon": "//", "sidebarIcon": "//", "sidebarIcon2x": "//" }, "dlcs": [], "downloads": { "installers": [ { "id": "installer_windows_en", "name": "Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition", "os": "windows", "language": "en", "language_full": "English", "version": null, "total_size": 2105540608, "files": [ { "id": "en1installer3", "size": 1048576, "downlink": "" }, { "id": "en1installer4", "size": 1572864000, "downlink": "" }, { "id": "en1installer5", "size": 531628032, "downlink": "" } ] } ], "patches": [], "language_packs": [], "bonus_content": [ { "id": 6093, "name": "manual (33 pages)", "type": "manuals", "count": 1, "total_size": 2097152, "files": [ { "id": 6093, "size": 2097152, "downlink": "" } ] } ] }, "expanded_dlcs": [], "description": { "lead": "", "full": "", "whats_cool_about_it": "" }, "screenshots": [ { "image_id": "de2a58c68c63b5a60603394ab8fdb4c66810807671d5985bce958c566a02ef08", "formatter_template_url": "{formatter}.png", "formatted_images": [ { "formatter_name": "ggvgt", "image_url": "" }, { "formatter_name": "ggvgt_2x", "image_url": "" }, { "formatter_name": "ggvgm", "image_url": "" }, { "formatter_name": "ggvgm_2x", "image_url": "" }, { "formatter_name": "ggvgl", "image_url": "" }, { "formatter_name": "ggvgl_2x", "image_url": "" } ] } ], "videos": [], "related_products": [], "changelog": null } .. http:get:: /products Same as :http:get:`/products/(int:product_id)`, but supports multiple products per request. Results are returned as an array. :query str ids: Up to 50 comma separated product IDs. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET products?ids=1444036272%2C1444035366 HTTP/1.1 Host: .. http:get:: /products/(int:product_id)/(str:dl_url) Returns secure url and chunklist for a file. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /products/1207658691/downlink/installer/en1installer3 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "downlink": "", "checksum": "" } **Example chunklist**: .. sourcecode:: xml 7e62ce101221ccdae2e9bff5c16ed9e0 b80960a2546ce647bffea87f85385535 5464b4499cd4368bb83ea35f895d3560 0261b9225fc10c407df083f6d254c47b ------------ See :doc:`/auth` ----------- .. http:get:: /desktop-galaxy-client/config.json Config for the Galaxy desktop client **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /desktop-galaxy-client/config.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "status" : "online", "channel" : "production", "talkInterval" : 600, "complainInterval" : 600, "timestamp" : 0, "end_points" : { "files" : "", "products" : "", "users" : "", "auth" : "", "cdn" : "", "productsDetails" : "", "gameplay" : "", "gog-api" : "" }, "intervals" : { "quick" : 1, "presence" : 5, "short" : 10, "normal" : 60, "selfUpdateCheck" : 360, "long" : 1440, "eternity" : 10080 } } .. http:get:: /(str:project)/4/master/(str:os).json Returns the file list for the Galaxy Updater :param project: Name of the application, possible values: desktop-galaxy-client, desktop-galaxy-commservice, desktop-galaxy-overlay, desktop-galaxy-peer, desktop-galaxy-updater. :type project: str :param os: Target OS, possible values: files-windows, files-osx :type os: str **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /desktop-galaxy-peer/4/master/files-windows.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "baseURI": "", "files": [ { "hash": "cb1e2b55abc8fac1ce0dd83477a25109", "path": "peer/msvc-15/GalaxyPeer.dll", "resource": "GalaxyPeer/86194099/windows/peer/msvc-15/", "size": 2223179 }, { "hash": "72c2cbd0aff710a34c91596337767675", "path": "peer/msvc-15/GalaxyPeer64.dll", "resource": "GalaxyPeer/86194099/windows/peer/msvc-15/", "size": 3090331 } ], "projectName": "GalaxyPeer", "symlinks": [], "timestamp": "86194099", "version": "" } ------------ .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/friends Returns the list of friends. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /users/48628349957132247/friends HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "items": [ { "user_id": "46988961654682898", "username": "adaliabooks", "is_employee": false, "images": { "medium": "", "medium_2x": "" } }, { "user_id": "47510856674996320", "username": "vidsgame", "is_employee": false, "images": { "medium": "", "medium_2x": "" } } ] } .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/invitations ---------------------- .. http:get:: /products/(int:product_id)/os/(str:os)/builds?generation=2 Returns the available builds for a game. :param os: Game OS. Possible values: windows, osx. :type os: str :query int generation: Max manifest version. Can be 1 or 2. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /products/1207658930/os/windows/builds?generation=2 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "total_count": 2, "count": 2, "items": [ { "build_id": "48906206523382029", "product_id": "1207658930", "os": "windows", "branch": null, "version_name": "", "tags": [], "public": true, "date_published": "2016-03-09T10:16:11+0000", "generation": 2, "link": "" }, { "build_id": "3161", "product_id": "1207658930", "os": "windows", "branch": null, "version_name": "", "tags": [], "public": true, "date_published": "2015-05-12T09:21:36+0000", "generation": 1, "link": "", "legacy_build_id": 37794096 } ], "has_private_branches": false } ----------- .. http:get:: /content-system/v1/manifests/(int:product_id)/(str:os)/(int:build_id)/repository.json TODO **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /content-system/v1/manifests/1207658930/windows/37794096/repository.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "product": { "timestamp": 37794096, "depots": [ { "languages": [ "Neutral" ], "size": "1255672", "gameIDs": [ "1207658930" ], "systems": [ "Windows" ], "manifest": "a0e35d92-2a0f-40db-8a47-47cbbad0bac0.json" }, { "languages": [ "English" ], "size": "24450928280", "gameIDs": [ "1207658930" ], "systems": [ "Windows" ], "manifest": "463cd4b2-783e-447a-b17e-a68d601911e3.json" }, { "redist": "MSVC2010", "executable": "__redist/MSVC2010/vcredist_x86.exe", "argument": "/q", "size": "0" }, { "redist": "dotNet4", "executable": "__redist/dotNet4/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe", "argument": "/q /norestart", "size": "0" }, { "redist": "DirectX", "executable": "__redist/DirectX/DXSETUP.exe", "argument": "/silent", "size": "0" } ], "support_commands": [ { "languages": [ "Neutral" ], "executable": "/galaxy_the_witcher2_ee_3.5.0.26.exe", "gameID": "1207658930", "systems": [ "Windows" ], "argument": "" } ], "installDirectory": "The Witcher 2", "rootGameID": "1207658930", "gameIDs": [ { "dependencies": [], "gameID": "1207658930", "name": { "en": "The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition" }, "standalone": true } ], "projectName": "The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition" }, "version": 1 } .. http:get:: /content-system/v1/manifests/(int:product_id)/(str:os)/(int:build_id)/(str:manifest_id).json **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /content-system/v1/manifests/1207658930/windows/37794096/463cd4b2-783e-447a-b17e-a68d601911e3.json HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "version": 1, "depot": { "name": "The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition", "files": [ { "url": "1207658930/main.bin", "size": 128, "hash": "4d1daf474729e889b878b9bdef634f76", "path": "/CookedPC/dlc_finishers.dzip", "offset": 13944149457 }, { "url": "1207658930/main.bin", "size": 262, "hash": "3d1be6f328329f983075c124a00aca56", "path": "/Launcher/Neutral/textbox_thumb_normal.PNG", "offset": 24440333403 }, { "url": "1207658930/main.bin", "size": 417, "hash": "1ebd6e11f384c2d10c936155afbcfa13", "path": "/Launcher/Neutral/textbox_arrow_pressed.PNG", "offset": 24439929797 } ] } } .. http:get:: /content-system/v1/depots/(int:product_id)/windows/(int:depot_id)/(str:file) **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /content-system/v1/depots/1207658930/windows/main.bin HTTP/1.1 Host: .. http:get:: /content-system/v2/meta/(str:hash) Content-System V2 responses are zlib encoded (window size 15). **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /content-system/v2/meta/92/ab/92ab42631ff4742b309bb62c175e6306 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example repository response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "baseProductId": "1207658930", "dependencies": [ "MSVC2010", "MSVC2010_x64", "DirectX", "dotNet4" ], "depots": [ { "languages": [ "*", "en" ], "manifest": "79a1f5fd67f6d0cda22c51f1bd706b31", "productId": "1207658930", "size": 492 }, { "languages": [ "en" ], "manifest": "32eee2cc5e7da11f22de078eac90ba60", "productId": "1207658930", "size": 24452205574 } ], "installDirectory": "The Witcher 2", "offlineDepot": { "languages": [ "*" ], "manifest": "d1e0f516a5ca1eae591c5969c5044f0f", "productId": "1207658930", "size": 3046 }, "platform": "windows", "products": [ { "name": "The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition", "productId": "1207658930", "script": "goggame-1207658930.script", "temp_arguments": "", "temp_executable": "galaxy_the_witcher2_ee_3.5.0.26.exe" } ], "version": 2 } **Example depot response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "depot": { "items": [ { "chunks": [ { "compressedMd5": "2e0dc2f5707ec0d88d570240ba918bb2", "compressedSize": 9507293, "md5": "b013bcdcb851922f7e3357fd7b1828ed", "size": 10485760 }, { "compressedMd5": "a7e5eff7ef78707d2d059c724fa3dc8f", "compressedSize": 9617323, "md5": "2b49c180539c7e188cd58e99b1b13f2d", "size": 10485760 }, { "compressedMd5": "a47d292fc498f740677e640146ad2097", "compressedSize": 14655939, "md5": "c0a2bcb478957dd77d4eec9240f22d4f", "size": 18954814 } ], "md5": "7da354ae24cee72ee8ef64c42944f530", "path": "CookedPC\\pack0.dzip", "type": "DepotFile" }, { "chunks": [ { "compressedMd5": "f149b52a4ce1d025bbae57e8f8f7f662", "compressedSize": 351, "md5": "53318eac2bcdac67c84dfde40e58006d", "size": 1024 } ], "flags": [ "hidden" ], "path": "", "type": "DepotFile" }, { "chunks": [ { "compressedMd5": "0812e871154b26f4737364abc193e2bc", "compressedSize": 1177139, "md5": "143e880fed5ba39967f23785c3cc868b", "size": 1288912 } ], "flags": [ "support", "executable" ], "path": "galaxy_the_witcher2_ee_3.5.0.26.exe", "type": "DepotFile" } ] }, "version": 2 } ---------------- .. http:get:: /clients/(int:product_id)/users/(int:user_id)/achievements Gets the achievements list for a product. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /clients/1437060567/users/48628349957132247/achievements HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "total_count": 40, "limit": 1000, "page_token": "0", "items": [ { "achievement_id": "48497841707623054", "achievement_key": "ACHIEVEMENT_NODEATH1", "visible": true, "name": "Early Bird", "description": "Complete level 1 «after a long night» without dying", "image_url_unlocked": "", "image_url_locked": "", "date_unlocked": null }, { "achievement_id": "48225958150521213", "achievement_key": "ACHIEVE_AVALANCHE", "visible": true, "name": "Run like hell", "description": "Escape the collapsing mine without being crushed", "image_url_unlocked": "", "image_url_locked": "", "date_unlocked": null } ] } .. http:get:: /clients/(int:product_id)/users/(int:user_id)/sessions .. http:get:: /clients/(int:product_id)/users/(int:user_id)/friends_achievements_unlock_progresses .. http:get:: /clients/(int:product_id)/users/(int:user_id)/friends_sessions ---------------- .. http:post:: /users/(int:user_id)/status Pings the server to mark you as online. Should be refreshed every 5 minutes. Keep in mind that the request content is a url-encoded form, not JSON. :form version: Version of the Galaxy client. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /users/48628349957132247/status HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded version= **Example response**: No content .. http:delete:: /users/(int:user_id)/status Marks you as offline. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /users/48628349957132247/status HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: No content .. http:options:: /statuses No idea what this does, but the official client uses it every time before doing the GET request. Reponse never contains any items. :query str user_id: Comma separated list of user IDs to check the status of. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http OPTIONS /statuses?user_id=46988961654682898,46988886297334688,47510856674996320 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "items": [], "limit": 250, "total_count": 0 } .. http:get:: /statuses Returns the users who are online at the moment. :query str user_id: Comma separated list of user IDs to check the status of. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /statuses?user_id=46988961654682898,46988886297334688,47510856674996320 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "total_count": 2, "limit": 250, "items": [ { "data": {}, "client_id": "46755278331571209", "user_id": "46988961654682898" }, { "data": {}, "client_id": "46755278331571209", "user_id": "46988886297334688" } ] } ------------- .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id) Returns information about the user **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /users/48628349957132247 HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "id": "48628349957132247", "username": "Yepoleb", "created_date": "2015-12-04T14:02:42+00:00", "avatar": { "gog_image_id": "3f9e109ac09308f7d52c607c8571e63d5fb482acca499a83e767dfff7f00d57d", "small": "", "small_2x": "", "medium": "", "medium_2x": "", "large": "", "large_2x": "", "sdk_img_32": "", "sdk_img_64": "", "sdk_img_184": "" }, "is_employee": false }